St. Mary's reaches out into our community in many ways. Probably the greatest form of outreach is in our sharing our church building. We are fortunate to have a large parish hall that is a welcome meeting place for the many different groups who gather in it. The Episcopal Church Women (ECW - which includes men now too!) is behind much of our community outreach.
ANNUAL EVENTS include our famous Election Eve Ham Dinner, a Community Thanksgiving Dinner, The St. Nicholas Day Fair, (which includes a spectacular COOKIE WALK!) a Christmas Community Dinner , a SPRING & FALL CRAFTS FAIR and THE AUGUST FEST DINNER!.
Just some of the groups we share our building with are: AA, Alanon, Bridge Group, Garden Club, Neighborhood Association, Vacation Bible School, and many more. St. Mary's Hall offers a gracious space for community activities such as:
- AA and Al-Anon meetings
- Yoga Classes
- Main Stage Dance Classes
- Bibly Study Classes
Our Annual Election Eve Ham Dinner donates all proceeds to charities. Organized by The ECW
they raise and distribute funds to the following beneficiaries
- Shelter Island Senior Citizens Nutrition/Meals on Wheels
- Shelter Island Ambulance Foundation
- Eastern Long Island Hospital (a/k/a Stony Brook ELilI)
- Shelter Island Food Pantry
- East End Hospice
- The Retreat (abused women Sag Harbor)
- Shelter Island History Center, and others.
The first Sunday plate offering is designated to our Rector's discretionary fund, this along with an endowment for the same purpose helps people in need within our community.